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  • Writer's picturePilot Raj

Flying the A320 simulator

Firstly, allow me to state that this is not a sponsored post. In the month of November 2019, I had the opportunity to spend 1 hour in the simulator of an Airbus A320. It only cost me RM 99 for 1 hour in this simulator thanks to an amazing promotion by the people behind Simflight KL. For those of you who do not know, Simflight KL has a realistic A320 simulator (it does not move) and they are located in Subang Airport (SZB). So, how was it like flying this aircraft in the sim?

Upon entering the simulator, I was greeted by a friendly instructor. She briefed me on the simulator and how to use the instruments. We started with our aircraft at one of the gates at KLIA. We requested for push back and subsequently taxi to runway 14R. I was tasked with adjusting the throttle of the aircraft while the instructor taxied the plane to the runway. At the runway, the instructor then told me to perform the necessary checklist for takeoff.

Now it was time for takeoff. I increased the power to TOGA. When we approached 130 knots, I pulled back on the side stick and maintained a pitch of 15 degrees. I was then asked to turn the aircraft to the right, thus giving me a spectacular view of KLIA and KLIA 2. We then proceeded to Subang Airport where we performed a touch-and-go landing. We then climbed again, this time flying towards KL city centre. We flew right next to the Petronas Twin Towers! Before long, it was time to head back to KLIA. I performed another touch-and-go landing at KLIA. Now, we returned to Subang Airport once more. This time however, we performed a normal landing and stopped the aircraft at SZB.

And that concludes my 1 hour in the simulator. Time truly does move faster when we are having fun. One thing is certain, I will definitely not be able to fly the actual aircraft just yet. I didn't crash so I guess I wasn't that bad. To those of you who would like to get your hands behind the controls of an aircraft, trust me, Simflight KL is an amazing place for you to go to.

Link to Simflight KL:

KLIA Airport

Me in an A320 simulator

Note: This is my first post. I would be immensely grateful if you could tell me as to how I may improve future posts. Thanks :)

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Nov 07, 2019

I've taught you well


Nov 06, 2019

Yo hello Raj, happy to see you get closer to your dream job haha.Keep it up boy!

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